(1)获奖情况 ●绿色清洁滑溜水压裂液体系的研究与工业化应用,中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖,2020.11 ●特超稠油系列原位催化改质降粘技术研究与应用,湖北省科技进步三等奖,2020.10 ●基础化学教学组织建设的研究与实践,3044am永利集团教学成果一等奖,2020.09 ●《有机化学》,中国石油和化学工业联合会优秀出版物奖教材奖二等奖,2019.01 (2)学术论文 ●周五,吴爱斌*. 嘧啶并萘酰亚胺Ag+荧光探针的合成及性能研究[J]. 化学试剂, 2020, 42(6), 694-698. ●Wu Zhou, Qian Chen, Aibin Wu*, et al. A ratiometric fluorescent probe with high sensitivity and selectivity for phosgene sensing in solution and gas, Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2020, 67, 1213-1218. ●吴爱斌*,周五,李俊文,龚银香. 大类培养模式下化学化工专业有机化学课程教学改革[J]. 化工高等教育, 2017, 153(1), 41-44. ●吴爱斌*,李鹏飞,陈银,龚银香. 大类培养模式下非化学化工专业有机化学教学改革[J]. 大学化学, 2016, 31(9), 20-23. ●Aibin Wu, Ping Mei, Yufang Xu, Xuhong Qian*. Novel naphthalimide-benzoic acid conjugates as potential apoptosis-inducing agents: design, synthesis and biological activity, Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 2011, 78(6), 941-947. ●Aibin Wu, Yufang Xu, Xuhong Qian*. Novel naphthalimide-amino acid conjugates with flexible leucine moiety as side chain: design, synthesis and potential antitumor activity, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 17(2), 592-599. ●Aibin Wu, Yufang Xu, Xuhong Qian*, et al. Novel naphthalimide derivatives as potential apoptosis-inducing agents: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 44(11), 4674-4680. (3)出版著作 ●吴爱斌,李水清,龚银香. 有机化学实验[M]. 北京:化学工业出版社,2018.07(ISBN 978-7-122-32281-4) ●吴爱斌,龚银香,李水清. 有机化学[M]. 北京:化学工业出版社,2017.05(ISBN 978-7-122-29325-1) (4)专利及软件著作权 ●发明专利:一种测试含有机碱的螯合剂溶液除钡锶垢性能及对岩心渗透率影响的方法(201510063845.X),2015.2 ●发明专利:一种新型抗肿瘤细胞化合物的用途(201010227025.7),2010.07 |